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PhD | Art History | State University of New York at Binghamton


Dissertation Title | Between Script and Print: Exploring Publications of the American Syria Mission and the Nascent Press in the Arab World, 1834-1836

Advisor | Nancy Um

Specialization | History of Islamic Art, Architecture and Design


Dissertation received the Malcolm Kerr Honorary Mention Award in the Humanities, MESA 2014



English | Arabic | French | German

Download CV (PDF)

MA | Art Criticism & Theory | Art Center College of Design | Pasadena | CA

Thesis Title | Modern, Moderne: The Shifting of Modernist Design at the Museum of Modern Art, NY

Specialization | Design History & Theory; Museum Studies

BFA | Graphic Design | American University of Beirut | Lebanon


Academic Positions

Assistant Professor | Department of Fine Arts & Art History | American University of Beirut, Lebanon


Fall 2014 | FAAH227B: Early Islamic Art & Architecture


Lecturer | Department of Art History | University of California, Los Angeles


Spring 2014 | AH104B: Eastern Islamic Art


2010 - present

Instructor of record | Art History Department | Binghamton University

2009 - 2010

Sections Instructor | Art History Department | Binghamton University

​2008 - 2009

Spring 2009 | Printing Before Gutenberg: History of Print Cultures in the Middle East and Asia

Spring 2010 | Patterns & Arabesques: East-West Debates on the Decorative Arts Since the Nineteenth Century

For course outlines and details click here.


2010 - present

Led discussion sections for art history survey courses:

Fall 2009 | Introduction to the Art and Architecture of the Asian World (2 sections)

Fall 2008 | Introduction to Art History--Global Review (2 sections)

Teaching Assistant | Art History Department | Binghamton University

​2007 - 2008

Assisted with course content, handled grading and acted as student liaison for upper-division undergraduate courses in non-western art including:

Spring 2008 | Animated Spaces: Indian Temple Art & Architecture

Fall 2008 | Gilded Manuscripts: Islamic Calligraphy, Illumination and Illustration

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